I have been teaching dogs since 14.02.1977
My teacher: Béla Szopó – Bp Northwestern Dog Training School
Competition results
Hungarian youth champion
Hungarian youth team champion
WUSV European Championship participant (Netherlands)
Hungarian Youth Championship 2nd place
Hungarian youth team champion
Hungarian youth champion
Hungarian youth team champion
WUSV European Championship participant (Belgium)
I qualified in first place at the FCI and WUSV VM
Hungarian champion
1st place CACIT (Germany)
FCI WC team member (Belgium)
Hungarian champion
I qualified first in the qualification for the FCI and WUSV VM
FCI team (France) and WUSV team (Netherlands)
I qualified in first place at the FCI and WUSV VM
FCI team (Netherlands) and WUSV team (France)
Assistant security guard (IPO)
1982 qualified assistant
I achieved the title of teaching assistant in 1996
1985 WUSV European Championship first assistant (Budapest)
1995 WUSV World Championship first assistant (Budapest)
Dog sports management positions
1995-1999 MNJK chief training inspector
2005-2007 MEOE FCI guardian-protector performance judge board president
2007 founder of the German Shepherd breed rescue
1997 WUSV WC (Switzerland) Hungarian team captain
1998 WUSV (USA) Hungarian team captain
2006 FMBB (Hungary) Hungarian team captain
2008 FCI (Belgium) Hungarian team captain
2009 FCI (Austria) Hungarian team captain
2010 FCI (Finland) Hungarian team captain
1994 golden crown master trainer title
2008 Gold badge recognition from the MEOE kennel club
2013 laurel wreath master training title
Judicial work
I judged 52 times at various international qualification competitions for FCI and WUSV events.
From 1989 to the present, he is the president of the “Kőbányai Happy Dog” Dog School, which over the course of 25 years has prepared 32 competitors for various FCI and WUSV WM events.
From 2007 to the present, he is a member of the FCI guardian-protector’s board of judges
1986 FCI performance judge
1994 Golden wreath master trainer
2008 Gold badge recognition from the MEOE kennel club
2010 Austrian Belgian shepherd selection competition – guardian-protector judge
2011 Hungarian qualification WUSV – FCI referee
Hungarian Championship – guard-defensive judge
Slovak National Championship – guard-defensive judge
2012 Russian National Championship – obedient judge
Italian FCI qualification – guardian-defensive judge
Slovak National Championship – obedient judge
2013 Italian WUSV qualification – referee
Italian FMBB qualification – guardian and defense judge
2014 Italian WUSV, – Universal Siegel qualification – guardian-defensive judge
2021 Hungarian FCI /˛FMBB qualification tracking board
2021 USA AWDF IGP National Championship Obedience Judge
2022 IGP – FH World Championship qualification track
2022 IGP National Track Championship track referee
My World Cup reviews
From 2006 to the present, I judged at 25 international and CACIT competitions in different countries
My World Cup favorites
2007 France, FMBB Belgian Shepherd World Championship – tracking judge
2008 Poland, ATIBOX Boxer World Championship referee
2010 Hungary, ATIBOX Boxer World Championship obedient judge
2019 Italy ATIBOX Boxer World Championship referee
2022 Hungary WUBOX World Boxing Championship obedient judge
I was born in 1965 in Celje, Slovenia. I am working in cynology for over 25 years, as
instructor, helper and track layer. I am international judge for utility dogs since 2011. I'm
vice president of the Commission for utility dogs at the Cynological Association of Slovenia
and an active member of our local club. I have been judging in Slovenia, other European
Countries, Rusia and United States. Currently I'm preparing my dog for higher exams and
I’ve been participating at:
– National championships CACT, CACIT and IPO-FH- track layer / track supervisor /
– FCI IPO World Championship Nova Gorica 2001 – track layer
– FCI IPO World Championship Nova Gorica 2006 – track layer
– FCI IPO-FH World Championship Grosuplje 2005 – track layer
– FCI IPO-FH World Championship Grosuplje 2010 – track layer
– World Championship for German Boxer in tracking Maribor 2011 – supervisor judge
– FCI IPO-FH European Championship Italy 2013 – judge
– FCI IPO World Championship Nova Gorica 2016 – technical manager
– FCI IPO-FH World Championship Ptuj 2017 – technical manager
– FCI IPO-FH World Championship Slovakia 2018 – judge
Membership of the Slovenian National Team:
– FCI IPO-FH World Championship France 2009 – competitor
– FCI IPO World Championship Austria 2009 – team leader
– FCI IPO-FH World Championship Croatia 2011 – competitor/team leader
– FCI IPO-FH World Championship Germany 2012 – competitor
– FCI IPO-FH European Championship Slovakia 2010 – competitor/team leader
– FCI IPO-FH European Championship Austria 2011 – competitor/team leader
– FCI IPO World Championship Italia 2018 – team leader
– FCI IGP World Championship Austria 2019 – team leader
– FCI IGP-FH World Championship Czech Republic 2019 – team leader
– FCI IGP-FH World Championship Hungary 2021 – team leader
2002-től voltam résztvevője a Magyar bajnokságoknak. Mint versenyző tagja voltam a 2010 WUSV Magyar válogatottnak.
FCI teljesítmény bíró 2012 óta vagyok. 2019 óta vagyok a MEOESZ Őrző-védő Sportbizottság tagja.
2020-ban rész vettem a 4 szintű nyomfektető csoportok kialakításában, továbbképzés, nyomfektetés és nyomkövetés népszerűsítő szemináriumok szervezésében.
Kiemelt versenyek, melyekben mint közreműködő részt vettem:
HNJE Nemzeti Bajnokság-Komárom Kupa FMBB és WUSV válogató
MEOE Nemzeti Nyomkövető Bajnokság Sopron
II. JOSERA Kupa, II. Tizsa Kupa FCI, FMBB, WUSV válogató
Nemzeti Dobermann Bajnokság 2016, Jászberény
II. Dombó-Kupa FCI IPO világbajnoki selejtező és CACIT munkakutya
Segédbíró B
A, B, C
III. Tisza Kupa FCI IPO világbajnoki selejtező
WUSV Közös válogató IPO 3.
WUSV Közös válogató IPO 3.
HNJE Nemzeti Bajnokság IPO világbajnoki kvalifikáció
FCI IPO FH világbajnoki kvalifikáció és nyomkövető bajnokság
FCI IPO FH világbajnoki kvalifikáció, Nyomkövető Bajnokság
IFR FH Tracking World Championship, FH 1, FH 2
FCI IGP FH WCH 2021 Tápiószentmárton, Hungary
Chief organizer
FCI kvalifikációs verseny, MEOESZ-ÖVSB Qualification
B, C